23 August 2018

To celebrate the launch of my new book ALWAYS DELICIOUS, Favourite Recipes from the NZ Listener, there will be a few exciting events around the country with Food Talks with local food heroes and opportunities to buy signed copies of this delicious new book..
*29 September: The Farmers Daughter, Omaha Beach Food Talk with Kelli Brett of Cuisine magazine and book signing. Canapes, Ora King Salmon, and a glass of Saint Clair wine with fascinating food and recipe chatter. 5pm to 6.30pm. $20pp.
To book please email info@thefarmersdaughter.co.nz
*1 October: Cook the Books, Ponsonby
Food Talk with the witty and talented chef Sunday Star food writer, Sam Mannering.
Canapes, Ora King Salmon, a glass of Saint Clair wine and fascinating food chatter.
6.30pm. $5pp.
To reserve a space please contact books@cookthebooks.co.nz
*9 October Poppies Bookstore, 83 Picton St, Howick Meet Lauraine and talk food matters and trends in an instore book signing, with Ora King Salmon, refreshments. 6pm to 7.30pm
rsvp poppieshowick@gmail.com or ph 09 532 9642
*13 October Book signing and sales at the Matakana Farmers Market in conjunction with The Village Bookshop 8am to 11am.
*16 October: Fairfield House, 48 Van Diemen Street, Nelson Food Talk with local food writer Nicola Galloway A glass of Saint Clair wine, Ora King salmon on Nicola’s sourdough and plenty of vital food chatter Tuesday 16 October 12.30 p.m.
RSVP: info@pageandblackmore.co.nz | 03 548 9992
*17 October: Dinner at Arbour Restaurant, Blenheim Four course dinner, inspired by Always Delicious, with Ora King Salmon, wine matches and an entertaining Food Talk with Ivan Sutherland, Margaret Sutherland and James Healey of Dog Point wines and Lauraine Jacobs. 6.30pm $165 includes a copy of the book
To book go to www.arbour.co.nz
*8 November: Olivers at Clyde Meet Lauraine Jacobs over a glass of Quartz Reef wine and canapes as she indulges in Food Talk with Fleur Sullivan of Fleur’s Place in Moeraki. 5pm to 6.30pm
For tickets, email events@olivers.co.nz ph 03 449 2805
*10 November, Saturday: Florence’s Food Store, Wanaka 3pm Afternoon Tea with a glass of Maude Brut NV and food, including Ora King Salmon, inspired by Always Delicious. Lauraine Jacobs will be joined in some interesting Food Talk by the wonderful Sharyn Mathias. A donation on all books sold will go The Children's Medical Trust. $45.00
To book: email sharyn@florencesfoodstore.co.nz
*11 November Sunday: Sherwood, 554 Frankton Rd, Queenstown Lauraine will hold a fireside chat about all things tasty in Food Talk with local hero chefs Fishbone's Darren Lovell and Sherwood's Ainsley Rose Thompson Saint Clair wine and canapes will be served. 4pm to 5.30pm
Tickets $10 from www.eventfinda.co.nz