Lauraine Jacobs

Food Writer and Author of Delicious Books


26 August 2011


I want to go back to Wellington. Mainly to go to Ancestral again. It's the latest, chic-est, craziest,fun-filled destination restaurant in Wellywood, and sits right on that rather sleazy Courtenay Place. Maybe it's even great enough to tip the balance and force the street to be a little more upmarket.

I just can't get food like that here in Auckland. Upmarket Chinese food inspired by Sichuan and Guangzhou provinces, that's beautifully presented and takes your head off with spice-filled injections of flavour and heat. All on small plates.

And that's not all. Service is smart and sassy, the wine list really, really interesting and there's a fantastic selection of whiskies. No expense has been spared on the bar, the interior and even the courtyard that's more than little reminiscent of Matterhorn has heated seats. Wow!

31 Courtenay Place, T: 04 801 8867